Monday, February 2, 2015

Selma Bechtel Test

This movie took place during the Civil Rights time period.  It was based on Selma, Alabama because approximately 50 percent of the population there was of color and of that percentage of the population, only about 2 percent of the colored people had voting rights.
Selma did end up passing the Bechtel test.
There were more than two female characters throughout the movie, but the movie highlighted more of the male population.  The women would talk to each other about voting rights or the dangers of protesting.
Based on the readings from chapter 1 in our book, this movie is more of the critical race theory over feminism.  I believe this because it wasn’t women that were the main focus throughout the movie.  It was predominately black men that fought for the right to vote.  Women were just there to support them and cry over the pain of losing a man in the fight against racist terrorism that our country endured during the Civil Rights time period.

Krista Wermerskirchen

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