As summer quickly approaches many thoughts and ideas come to everyone’s mind: no school, warm weather, new outfits, bikinis, and bikini bodies. Women all over scramble and work out like crazy to fit into itsy swimsuits. Swimsuits that they see being worn by some of the worlds smallest women, women that are incomparable to most of the population. They will page through magazines that are advertising, not only these suits, but societies image of a woman’s perfect body. Women then believe that in order to buy this swimsuit they also need to have the same body as the tiny model. Even though all that is actually needed to own a swimsuit is money to buy it. There are no actual laws or regulations saying that skinny girls are the only girls allowed to wear bikinis, but yet for some reason millions of women are fooled by this social idea.
The idea for this picture came to me as I was cleaning my apartment and came along a pile of catalogs and magazines my roommates and I have collected and stored up over the year. Every single one had a small woman on the cover, most of them in swimsuits or revealing outfits. I thought to myself how often I see these magazines each day, even if I don’t consciously think about the skinny women that’s the image being engraved into my mind what I should look like in a bikini. I started to think about how every where it was unavoidable for women to be “brainwashed” with the idea that they should be skinny in order to wear a swimsuit.