Friday, March 27, 2015

Photo Assignment

This picture is meant to show the "typical" stereotype of sororities. The stereotype showing that the women only have fun and go out.

The beginning of this spring semester, I decided to join a sorority here at MSU, Alpha Chi Omega. As I am a new member right now, I have been able to learn a lot about greek life. With all the good things greek life has to offer, there is always people who do not see the good in it. Many people stereotype greeks before they even have a chance to really learn what it is all about. These stereotypes people believe to be true are normally very far from the actual truth. People believe that sorority girls are girls who just want to party, have fun, drink, ect... And they don't do anything but be social and have parties. Being that I am learning so much about greek life, these are not true. Yes, sometimes the women like to go have fun, but that isn't what greek life is about. There are many expectations of you as a sorority woman, which these expectations can be different depending on which sorority you are a part of, but many have the same kind of ideas. 

I believe that society and the popular culture has a very narrow view of sororities. Immediately, when a sorority woman says she is a part of a sorority, people think of the "typical sorority woman." Many words describing one of these girls come to their brains. These words ranging from, high maintenance, slutty, popular, blonde, beautiful, sexy, upper class, disrespectful, dumb, judgmental... Many different words surrounding the title. 

People have these views because of how sororities are depicted in the media. The media creates an image that many people will pay attention to, without knowing what sororities are actually like. Movies also play a role in this. Neighbors, The House Bunny, Legally Blonde, and American Pie are just a few example of movies presenting these stereotyped ideas of greek life. 

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