Monday, March 30, 2015

Define Yourself

When thinking about this assignment I had a lot to consider when figuring what I wanted my project to be based on. It became apparent to me that I wanted it to be based towards an issue that majority of people can relate too: derogatory terms and harmful stereotypes. Wether it's face-face, online, or texting, these terms are becoming more relevant. In the photograph I had mentioned a few which may make some cringe just reading. What I hate to admit is that there are way worse terms that people are being called now. It seems to me that our society focuses on the negative, the bad not the good. They pay attention to the not so perfect parts of your body instead of seeing that being imperfect it absolutely beautiful. This pop culture has created an idea that is so engraved in our brains on what is beauty looks like and how your supposed to act and look to be perfect. I would like to make a note that this idea is what is making us critize others and ourself for not being that "ideal" perfect. We start name calling because "that persons too ugly" or "that's her 3rd guy in a month, she's such a slut". After comes the depression and then what? Suicide? I believe this is relevant in many ways to our class because I feel like this class is about figuring out who you are and defining yourself. To me this photo is saying be your own voice, challenge others and yourself to not let negativity win. To love all of your imperfections and others. Most importantly to love and respect yourself.

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