I chose to talk about how people in this world, especially women, portray others as beautiful. As women we often feel the need to look good and attractive a lot of the time when around others. In middle school we start to compete with other girls in how we dress and act towards other girls and boys. High school is when a lot of people start to find their self, what they like to look like and what they think others want them to look like. We can all probably agree that we have changed our appearance to fit what we think others find attractive. Whether its the way we dress or the way we do our makeup.
My inspiration for this topic was because I can say that I have changed my appearance for another person other than myself. Im not proud of it but it happens, and being in college you want to fit in with others just as much as high school. I don't personally wear a lot of makeup or dress up all the time so when I get the chance to I make sure that I am doing it for myself. Whether you put on a cute outfit, do your hair, and load on the makeup or just throw on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt along with no makeup, both are beautiful no matter what other people tell you. Having a good self-esteem will obviously help with your decision for doing it for someone or for yourself but just allowing yourself to be true to who you are will make you feel better about yourself.
I love going out and running errands or hanging out with friends with no makeup on because I feel like a free person and don't have to conform to anyone's definition of beautiful expect my own. Being able to have a good view of what is important will help you figure out who you really want to be and not allowing others to tell you how you should look or how you should dress. So whether you're dressed up for prom or just hanging out around the house, make sure you stick to what you find comfortable and beautiful.
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